Academic Pathways Across Countries


United Kingdom
Teaching and Research
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Conditions to hold this position
  • Normally hold a PhD, but not in all disciplines.
  • Have completed 3-6 years as a post-doc before taking up the lectureship.
  • Have a teaching and research experience.
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Lecturer is the entry status in the UK academic system. It is considered as a junior position. 

  • Status: The post could be available for a fixed-term contract, for example three years in the first instance and moving to an open-ended contract after 3 years probation period. Sometimes part-time. 
  • Institutions concerned: universities and in some further education colleges
  • Duties: 
    • A lecturer delivers lectures, designs courses and teaching materials; assesses students' coursework; sets and marks examinations; undertakes personal research projects. 
    • Responsibilities are normally predefined tasks in research and/or teaching: "Role holders at this level are likely to be responsible for the delivery of teaching within an established teaching programme and/or for carrying out research as an individual or team member" (Eurydice, European Commission).
    • Even if teaching and research are requested, it is sometimes more focused on teaching. 
  • Grades: Lecturer A (grade 7); Lecturer B (grade 8)
  • Salary range: from around £34,000 to £50,000, depending on qualifications and experience. 
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Deutsche Übersetzung ist noch nicht verfügbar.
Academic Pathways Across Countries
The project has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Research Programme. Grant agreement Proof of Concept (PoC): PC1-ERC-2016-PoC INTAC_754895
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