Sessional Lecturer
United Kingdom
Teaching focused
Also known as
- Sessional instructor
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Conditions to hold this position
- Sessional positions are generally occupied by PhD candidates.
- A postgraduate qualification is required as well as a research background in the teaching topic.
- The process is first to express an interest to be part of a Sessional pool for a given university; then interviews are held when a Sessional position has been identified.
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- Status: Sessional lecturers often replace or assist a lecturer or senior lecturer. They are on a fixed-Term contract (part-time).
- Institutions concerned: higher education and further education institutions
- Duties: Sessional lecturers are asked to deliver the required learning experience, in the subject area / discipline on relevant courses levels for the contracted dates and times. sessional lecturers may be asked to mark and report on students' projects.
- Grades: grade 9
- Salary range: hourly paid: £32.00 to £37.00 per hour
- Evaluation: sessional lecturers are evaluated by the students at the end of the session.
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